PM Modi Dedicates Rs 400 Crore Demonstration Fast Reactor Fuel Reprocessing Plant
Defense News ,India :- On Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Demonstration Fast Reactor Fuel Reprocessing Plant (DFRP) at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam, with an estimated cost of ₹400 crores.
This cutting-edge facility, designed entirely by Indian scientists, stands as a pioneering achievement in the global nuclear landscape. The DFRP is a crucial step towards the development of large-scale commercial fast reactor fuel reprocessing plants, symbolizing India self-reliance under the Atmanirbhar Bharat initiative.
Operated by Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Ltd (BHAVINI) in Kalpakkam, the DFRP serves as a pilot project for a larger facility intended to reprocess fuel from the upcoming 500 MW Prototype Fast Breeder Reactors (PFBR). BHAVINI is currently in the process of setting up the PFBR, with plans for two additional fast reactors in the future.
What sets the DFRP apart is its unique design, capable of reprocessing both carbide and oxide fuels discharged from fast reactors. This groundbreaking feature makes it the world only industrial-scale plant with such capabilities, setting the stage for large-scale commercial ventures in fast reactor fuel reprocessing.
The collaboration between government R&D infrastructure and Indian industries is evident in the successful realization of the DFRP. This synergy represents a significant stride towards the next generation of breeder and fast reactors, highlighting the integration of indigenous technology and expertise.
The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) reports that the PFBR integrated commissioning is in an advanced stage. Notably, the main vessel of the PFBR was filled with 1,15 tons of liquid sodium last August. The successful deployment of indigenously manufactured primary and secondary sodium pumps further underscores the progress of the project.
Looking ahead, the Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle Facility (FRFCF) in Kalpakkam is anticipated to be completed by December 2027. Executed by the Nuclear Recycle Board, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, and the DAE, the FRFCF, initially budgeted at about Rs 9,600 crores, aims to reprocess spent fuel from fast breeder reactors.
India commitment to fast breeder reactors is integral to its three-stage nuclear power programme, and the FRFCF project is expected to generate employment for approximately 1,500-2,000 individuals within the nuclear power sector. This comprehensive initiative marks a significant leap towards achieving sustainable and self-sufficient nuclear power capabilities in the country.